Edie’s Christening

February 19, 2014 at 10:33 pm (Genealogy/Family)


Barbara, Edie, & Wifey

As I play catch-up with some of the bigger events in our family, I wanted to share my youngest daughter’s baptism as it happened last year on the Sunday before Advent (Nov. 24rth). Of course, the baptism followed the churching of my wife (in decent prayer book fashion) by about three weeks from Edie’s birth. In the course of that time, I discussed some aspects of the baptismal order with our reverend father-in-God, Bp. Ronald Johnson, requesting that Edie’s sponsors be her own parents (i.e., Amanda and myself). The setting aside of Godparents is an option given by the 1928 prayer book, and it seemed justifiable given our plans to move out-of-state, so we’d probably loose touch with any Godparents back in CA. There’s also a further concern about  the direction of the wider Anglican church, and much longer my family and I can seriously identify with an institutional church.

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