Visit with Rev. Underwood

May 20, 2023 at 7:38 pm (Uncategorized)

Update: Our family is currently seeking local churches, and other evangelical missions, until our ecclesiastical residence is resolved. Meanwhile, the Rev. R. L. Underwood (former UE, now FCE Connexion) happily visited us the first week of May. It remains the case our family desires a free Protestant fellowship with those willing to covenant under the standard American Common Prayer & Wesleyan General Rule. In other words, something Anglican, openly Methodistic, but also irenic. Of course, we fellowship to all whom we meet. This was not a GT article.

Littlewood Fellowship, Fremont CA

On the weekend of Cinco de Mayo (May 5th), the Reverend Ryan L. Underwood pastorally visited us from his home in Georgia, a couple weeks before his departure for a third round of ministry in South Africa. Mr. Underwood’s arrival also marks the possible extension of the FCE-Connexion in these United states, the former led by connexion President Grahame Wray of England. As might be expected, our chief test with such varied organizations is their Primitiveness & Manner of Love. But, the Rev. Underwood proffered much. It has been a ‘time and time-and-a-half’ since we’ve enjoyed a man of our own heart. 

Since our family receives Holy Communion upon the most Occasional basis, Underwood’s first concern was administrating to us the Supper. On Saturday morning– incidentally, the day after Charles III’s sacred coronation– Mr. Bartlett (myself) led Matins, singing acapella the New Version’s psalm XXX with spontaneous Exhortation. This was pleasantly followed by the Reverend’s preaching on 2 Samuel 7:11-18, even the constancy of the royal line of David. Afterwards, the Lord’s Supper was held forth in a fashion uniquely ‘low’ in ceremony, so truly plain and instructive for the 1928 BCP.

Overall, there was a number of heavenly confluences upon our Seventh-Day meeting; namely, it being the Second Passover (Num. 9.6) since Pascha– so my oldest daughter was examined for Holy Communion, and judged ready enough if only the faith of a child. Nonetheless, we postponed the occasion (perhaps overcautiously) yet praised Jah for her present Light.     

On Sunday morning, the Christian Sabbath, the Rev. Underwood and ourselves attended St. Paul’s Anglican Church in nearby Los Altos. The Rev. S. Macias has charge there, and he is likely the best Anglican preacher in the San Francisco Bay Area. Needless to say, Mr. Underwood was greatly impressed by his erudite delivery, even sober ceremony. Though our current circumstance calls us elsewhere– yea, even a literal Zion or Day of Driving (which is the same as a Day of Flocking)– we highly admire and recommend the ministry of St Paul’s for those wanting a splendid snapshot of Anglican public worship and ritual that is ‘low’ for today.  

The remainder of our time was touring the Reverend between historical sites, going to and fro between Mission San Jose (curiously, formerly a property of New School Presbyterians) and the famous Sir Francis Drake Cross (built in 1894 by Protestant Episcopalians in Golden Gate Park). These landmarks are indeed relics of a bygone civilization– reminders how Almighty God blesses the land for the generation that ‘sings the praises of Jehovah without ceasing’ (Ps. 30.12). 

We heartily keep Mr. Underwood’s wide-ranging labors in prayer. Meanwhile, even as a scattered people, relatively solitaire in the American Far West, we continue to use the 1928 BCP & Wesleyan discipline on our own, quietly waiting upon the Lord and those He sends. Yet, even this is delightsome for us.  – CJB

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